Thank you for your interest in working with me. I love partnering with brands that make life happen, and are inspiring to others.
I have had the honor of being featured twice in The Nest magazine and written for Modern Mom magazine. Some popular brands I've worked with are Disney, Eureeka, World Market, Huggies Pull-ups, Charmin, Cookie's Kids, Sears, Martha Stewart Crafts, Baby Bjorn, DownEast Basics & DownEast Home, People Magazine, Kleenex, Vudu, Starbucks, Wal-Mart, Smart & Final, Shutterfly, Elmers, Delta Faucet, Lifestyle Crafts & WeR Memory Keepers.
I have also been featured on popular blogs such as The Small Things blog, Honey We're Home & Honey We're Healthy, Pizzazzarie, Tatertots & Jello and Sears Style.
If you are interested in working with me for sponsored content on this site or my podcast, please use the interest form below and I will be in touch with you. If you would like a media kit emailed to you, please mention it below.