EP 23: Five Books That Changed my Life

Today’s episode I’m really excited to share with you books that have changed my life in this last season. God has always spoken to me through writing, my own and others. Books have been really influential for me, and I think that we can glean and learn a lot from other authors and what they have been through and things they have learned.

Everything is linked below, you can purchase these books or pick them up at your local library.

  1. Plan B by Pete Wilson

  2. Wild & Free by Jess Connolly + Hayley Morgan

  3. Dance, Stand, Run by Jess Connolly

  4. The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron + Suzzanne Stabile

  5. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero

If you haven’t yet given the show a rating and review I’d love it if you’d do so, it only takes a few minutes and really helps out the show! Go here to leave a review. Find me on Instagram so we can connect after the show!

EP 22: In Sickness and in Health with Candace Hershberger

I’m excited to introduce you all to one of my very dear friends; Candace Hershberger. We met a few years ago at a moms group and our friendship has grown over the years and I truly treasure her friendship. Candace and her husband are walking a journey through cancer. Her husband Jon was diagnosed with cancer 6 years ago. I’ve had a front row seat to watching them walk out their vows of “sickness and health” as they navigate this disease and share with all of us the joy that can come in the trials.

A little bit more about Candace;

Married 11 years this September, 2 girls ages 9 and 7, one boy age 5. Walking through cancer with my husband for 6 years this month. I am a work from home mama and love to connect with others though moms groups and events.

Connect with Candace on Instagram here.

Thank you for listening to another episode of the Flourish Together podcast. If you haven’t yet left a rating and review, I’d love it if you left one. It really helps spread the message of the podcast and allows others to hear it too!

If you’d like to connect with me I’d love it if you’d jump on over to Instagram and find me there. Or you can send a message through the ‘contact’ form here at the top of my site.

See you in the next episode!

EP 21: "Mom, get off your phone!"

Today I’m sharing with you something honest and vulnerable. I’m preaching to myself today mostly, and hoping that by sharing where I am at with this subject it will be encouraging for you as well. Maybe you are in a weird stage with the phone as well. Maybe you’ve felt some of these same feelings I have. Well you are not alone.

The internet and social media it can be such a connector of community.

But it can also be the thing that can get distracting if we aren’t keep our hearts and motives in check too.

When my kids started calling out my phone usage from time to time I knew I needed to find a better priority in when I was using my phone and when I was setting it aside. In today’s episode of the podcast we’re chatting about just that.

Give it a listen. Let me know in the comments below where you’re at on the subject. Are you struggling too?

Links mentioned in this episode:

If you haven’t yet given the show a rating and review I’d love for you to jump on over to whatever listening app you are on and give us a quick review! It would mean the world to me, and it helps more and more people discover the show too!

EP. 20 Lessons I Learned from My Grandmother

Today’s episode is really special, it’s my 20th episode! Another milestone for the podcast, all because of you guys. So thank you for listening and sharing the show with your friends and family- it means the world to me. Today’s episode is also special because we’re talking about one of my most fave ladies- my sweet Grandmother.

Today, I’m sharing with you three applicable life lessons she taught me. No matter what season of life you find yourself in today- these apply. Enjoy.

  1. Obedience is always worth it.

  2. Pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17)

  3. Be intentional with people.

I hope you found this episode encouraging as you move forward in your life whatever the season you’re in. If you haven’t yet left the show a rating and review I’d love for you to jump on over to whatever listening platform you’re enjoying the podcast on and leave us a review. Reviews help others find the show and spread the message.

If you aren’t yet following me on social media I’d love for you to come find me and connect on Instagram here.

EP 19: Infertility and My Journey to Motherhood

My journey to motherhood was non traditional, as was our journey to parenthood. For a long time we didn’t know if we’d be parents or conceive naturally. We spent over a year dealing with infertility. I spent my teen years and early 20’s dealing with irregular cycles. It wasn’t until we were trying for over seven months that my OBGYN finally diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) I finally had some answers and a way to move forward.

Today’s episode is deeply personal, as I never have really sat down and have shared our story with many people. At the time when we were going through this we didn’t know anyone else who was dealing with similar issues, it felt very isolating and I felt very shameful.

I pray this episode is both encouraging and helpful. If you’re struggling today, I encourage you to share your story. Don’t believe the lie that it doesn’t matter. It so does.